FK-Event-Productions and ArTik Freiburg proudly presenting:

SOUND OF SMOKE (Psychedlic Soul Rock)
Psychedelic, blues rock meets soul.A magic mix of heavy and soft, occult and misty, paired with an intense live show, will take you on a trip deep into the land of spirit, wilderness and joy. Feel the energy and let it carry you far away. Enjoy the sound of smoke!You will understand the name of the band when you listen to their music. Sound Of Smoke’s Tales will take you away.
Formed in 2016 in Freiburg, Germany, Sound Of Smoke is a bluesy heavy psych band choosing their own path in a crowded lane. They previously released an EP called Eleutheromania, and Tales appears to be their first full-length album. The band is Isabelle Bapté (vocals, keys), Jens Stöver (guitar), Florian Kiefer (bass), and Johannes Braunstein (drums).
Formed in 2016 in Freiburg, Germany, Sound Of Smoke is a bluesy heavy psych band choosing their own path in a crowded lane. They previously released an EP called Eleutheromania, and Tales appears to be their first full-length album. The band is Isabelle Bapté (vocals, keys), Jens Stöver (guitar), Florian Kiefer (bass), and Johannes Braunstein (drums).
The lead guitar work is lyrical and lightens the tone a bit when it rolls out. “Human Salvation” is another notable track. It runs ten minutes and is the anchor piece for the album. Typically, in a song this long you have different, separate movements that are identifiable as essentially shorter individual songs. That is not true of “Human Salvation.” It is genuinely one entirety that would suffer if it were truncated. Each of the elements is essential, and they all work together to create the whole. (Wayne Edwards – Flying Fiddle Sticks Blog – UK)
Psychedelischer, Bluesrock triff auf Soul. Sound of Smoke steht für einen magischen Mix aus harten und sinnlichen Klängen, der durch die intensive Liveshow geheimnisvoll und berauschend wirkt und pure Freude hinterlässt. Lass dich von dieser Energie auf eine weite Reise durch traumhaft, verzauberte im nächsten Moment wilde und stürmische Klanglandschaften mitnehmen und genieße den Sound of Smoke.

LIGHTRAIN (Heavy PsychRock)
A sleighride through the forest without snow where all the trees are burning …“ This is how one listener describes the music of the heavy psychedelic rock trio from Freiburg, who bring to the stage a tense fusion of danceable psychedelic grooves, overwhelming spherical soundscapes and powerfull catching rhythms. The three musicians have been working together on various projects since 15 years now, they are a well-rehearsed team. With a new live set, they now stand out from classic song structures and introduce a synthesizer, in addition to guitar, bass and drums, which reinforces the multi-faceted sound yet again. Improvised or composed, the three band members are perfectly matched, making instrumental music, especially live, a memorable experience.
„Eine Schlittenfahrt ohne Schnee durch den Wald, in dem alle Bäume brennen…“ So beschreibt ein Zuhörer die Musik des Heavy Psychedelic Rock Trios aus Freiburg, die eine spannungsgeladene Fusion aus tanzbaren psychedelischen Grooves, überwältigende sphärischen Klangteppichen und kraftvoll einschlagenden Rhythmen auf die Bühne bringen.Da die drei Musiker seit nunmehr 15 Jahren zusammen an verschiedenen Projekten arbeiten, sind sie ein eingespieltes Team. Mit neuem Live Set heben sie sich nun von klassischen Songstrukturen ab und bringen zusätzlich zu Gitarre, Bass und Drums einen Synthesizer zum Einsatz, der den facettenreichen Sound noch einmal verstärkt. Improvisiert oder komponiert, die drei Bandmitglieder sind genau aufeinander abgestimmt, was die instrumentelle Musik vor allem Live zu einem besonderen Erlebnis macht.

Einlass: 20 Uhr
Beginn: 21 Uhr